MasterKeg | 50 litres collapsible keg

Treat your product to the home it deserves with your new keg. The MasterKeg ensures that your product maintains the same quality as the day it was produced.

Our dual-bag design removes the need for Co2, delivering every last drop straight into the glass without compromise.

Discover the unique possibilities with our first-of-a-kind collapsible form factor.

Keg Sizes

20lpng    30lpng
20L       30L


Get the most out of your new keg

  • Space saver

  • User-friendly & Safety

  • Compatible

  • Redefining reusability

  • Recyclability


70% space saved using MasterKeg

Due to our collapsible design MasterKeg saves 70% in storage when empty and can save you up to 45% in shipping costs. Storage, high transporting costs and handling are all issues solved by MasterKeg. 




Improved handling & safety

Your MasterKeg comes with wheels attached to the bottom, massively improving usability, comfort and handling safety. Your customers can now wheel the kegs from their storage directly to their place of use. 


Full range of connectors

Your MasterKeg comes fitted with the valve of your choosing. The valve options we provide are: A, S, G, D, M & K


All the benefits of a one-way keg, but it's reusable!

Low commitment cost, lightweight and better in-life quality are all the things we brought from the one-way keg market into our reusable keg.

Enjoy the benefits of both worlds, in a whole new form factor, only possible with MasterKeg.


Improve your environmental impact

The MasterKeg is built from the ground up to be as sustainable as possible. Our keg is made of 60% recycled material, the highest in the industry! We won't stop there, we will keep improving and tracking our environmental impact and act accordingly.

Stay on top of your budget with the lowest per-fill cost

The MasterKeg is designed to be reused almost as many times as a steel keg. With our robust design and innovative interchangeable double-bag system you can stop allocating huge parts of your budget towards kegs and instead use them where it counts.


Never been as space efficient before now

With our collapsible system, your new keg is only 52% the size of a normal keg when empty. This means you can store and ship up to 70% more compared to other brands. 

Our form factor is also optimized towards pallet standards, making it even more efficient. 

Stay fresh with a long shelf life

Due to our double-bag technology, you can feel relaxed that your product maintains the highest quality possible. You can enjoy both long-shelf and in-use life with the full MasterKeg lineup.

All our bags are antiseptic and vacuum sealed making sure you can worry less about the contamination risk and more about growing your business.

MasterKeg over the top view

Remove the need for Co2

Our double bag technology removes the need to pump Co2 directly into your product, decreasing the chances of contamination and short in-use life. 

You can use normal pressured air to squeeze out the product thru the outer bag and even if you choose to use Co2, it never comes in contact with the liquid.

How does MasterKeg compare to steel kegs?

Significantly more cost-effective shipping 
70% less space in storage when empty
 Connects to existing filling lines
 Connects to existing pub connections
Better handling with wheels on the bottom
Removes the need for large investments
Lower per-fill cost

How does MasterKeg compare to one-way?

Significantly more cost-effective shipping when empty
70% less space in storage when empty
Better handling with wheels on the bottom
 Better waste management due to our collapsible design
Reusable keg with one-way prices
Significantly reduce cost during the whole lifecycle of the keg
No explosion risk


Convenient & Friendly

MasterKeg is designed to be a breeze to use and is easily integrated with your current systems. Wheels make the kegs easy to move, but stable when stored.


Circular & Reusable

We aim to decrease the amount of plastic in circulation by not only providing a fully reusable product but also by using up to 60% recycled materials.


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